Objective: to compare gonadotropine /antagonist protocol with and without Letrozole for
controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for poor responder cases undergoing ICSI.
Materials & Methods: A prospective randomized case control study performed in Mansoura Fertility Care unit, Mansoura University hospital. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation using gonadotropins/antagonist protocol with (group A) and without Letrozole
(group B). The primary outcome is to measure duration of stimulation, total dose of gonDGRWURSLQVVHUXP(OHYHODQGHQGRPHWULDOWKLFNQHVVRQGD\RI+&*DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ7KH
number and degree of maturation of retrieved oocytes, fertilization rate and number and
grade of the developed embryos were evaluated. Secondary outcome includes ongoing
pregnancy and take home baby rates.
Results: Duration of stimulation was shorter in group A (10.2± 1.5 days) compared to
(11.5± 1.9days) in group B, total dose of gonadotropins was lower in group A (2602±433)
in contrast to (2752±515IU) in group B, endometrial thickness was thicker in group B
PPFRPSDUHGWRPPLQJURXS$EXWQRVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHZDVGHtected between the two groups apart from mean duration of stimulation.
Conclusions: Letrozole as an adjuvant to gonadotropins seems to reduce stimulation period and total gonadotropins units used.