Introduction: Hysterectomy is the removal of uterus and it is the commonest major surgical procedure performed in gynecology. It is the 2nd most common operative procedure performed on women in world after lower segment caesarean section(LSCS). Its incidence varies between 6.1 to 8.6 per 1000 women of all ages.
Like all other major surgical procedures it is not free of complica- tions. There may be intra or post-operative complications. Rates of various complications vary from 0.05% to 43%.
Methods: This study involved all women who underwent hysterec- tomy at Department of Obstetrics and GynaecologyAswan Univer- sity, Aswan, EgyptThis was a retrospective study and included all cases of hysterectomy from 1st Jan 2017 to 31st Dec 2017. Records from register and case sheets of patients were collected.
Results: A total of hysterectomies 53 were performed in the study period. Out of these 7(13.2%) were obstetrical and 46(86.79%)were gynaecological. Out of 46 gynaecological hysterectomies were 5(10.86%) were vaginal hysterectomy and 41(89.13%) were abdomi- nal hysterectomy. Rupture uterus was most common cause represents 5 cases (71.42%) followed by abnormal placentation 2 cases (28.57%)
indications for abdominal hysterectomy were 27 cases (65.85%) un- derwent hysterectomy as a consequence of abnormal uterine bleeding
(AUB), and among them the most common was leiomyoma (fibroid uterus) 18 (66.6%) . and postmenopausal bleeding represents 14 cases
Conclusion: Hysterectomy is a major surgery and it may be associ- ated with complications during and after surgery. Therefore, the indi- cation for hysterectomy should be carefully evaluated. Hence report- ing of all hysterectomies should be made mandatory so that the audit results can be used for improvement in the quality of health services.