Objectives : To improve the level of services in adolescent Gynecology clinics for early management of gynecological
risk factors in teenagers that may lead lo subsequent maternal morbidity and or mortality.
Material and Methods : The study included 750 girsl (teenagers), sclccled from the outpatient clinics of the hospital. A
complete medical examination was done and selected investigations were performed ranging from complete blood
picture up to hormonal assays and ultrasound according to lb patients complaint.
Results : The mean age of menarche was 12.7 ± 32 years, and the mean age of marriage was 17.3 ± 4.2 years. The
commonest gynecolgical complaint was dysmenorrhea 61.3%, While the second most common problem was abnormal
uterine bleeding [14.8%]; 35.15% of these were due lo DUB, 29.79% were due to pelvic infections, and 28.83% were
due to pregnancy complications (Abortion, APH).
Conclusion: teenagers with gynecological problems need special care in their management in a sensitive and gentle
way. The majority of their problems can be dcall with in a simple way. The abilily to differentiate normal from
abnormal menstruation is an essential skill for practitioners who care for teenagers.