ArticleSynthesis & Characterization of Novel CaO-based Heterogeneous Catalysts for Efficient Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil
ArticleSynthesis & Characterization of Novel CaO-based Heterogeneous Catalysts for Efficient Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil
ArticleModified Nanostructure MgO Superbasicity with CaO in Heterogeneous Transesterification of Sunflower Oil
ArticleModified Nanostructure MgO Superbasicity with CaO in Heterogeneous Transesterification of Sunflower Oil
ArticleDeoxygenation of Oleic Acid Using Modified MCM-41 Supported Nickel-Tungstate Catalyst to Produce Renewable Biofuel Liquid Alkanes: Kinetic Study
ArticleDeoxygenation of Oleic Acid Using Modified MCM-41 Supported Nickel-Tungstate Catalyst to Produce Renewable Biofuel Liquid Alkanes: Kinetic Study
ArticleMicrowave synthesis of Nano/Micronized zeolites from natural source: Evaluation of energy storage capacities
ArticleMicrowave synthesis of Nano/Micronized zeolites from natural source: Evaluation of energy storage capacities
ArticleEnhancement of heavy vacuum gas oil desulfurization via using developed catalyst based on Al2O3
ArticleEnhancement of heavy vacuum gas oil desulfurization via using developed catalyst based on Al2O3
ArticlePhysicochemical and Catalytic Conversion of Iso-propanol over NiO-doping/nanosized ZnO-Fe2O3 system
ArticlePhysicochemical and Catalytic Conversion of Iso-propanol over NiO-doping/nanosized ZnO-Fe2O3 system
ArticleUltrasonic-assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zeolite Y Adsorbent from Natural Kaolin for the Recycling of Waste Engine Oil
ArticleUltrasonic-assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zeolite Y Adsorbent from Natural Kaolin for the Recycling of Waste Engine Oil