Membrane (MBR) technology has become a key component in water reclamation schemes due to the possibility of providing water of high quality,(e.g. as particle-free permeate from membrane bioreactors, removal of microbiological contaminants). Besides, it is a cost-effective technique to obtain a remediated effluent. In Egypt, we are in stringent need to boost water recycling applications for the target area as well as in other regions of the world. It has been used for various treatment applications for more than 30 years. Membrane costs have declined; successfully; by an order of magnitude over the past two decades. The MBR process was demonstrated to be cost-effective over conventional water reclamation systems for urban irrigation and water reuse.
The MBRs are fast developing new concepts for water and wastewater treatment. MBR leads to high hygienic standards of the treated effluent. MBRs are ecologically friendly and economically feasable for applications in remote areas. Over the last two decades, variable types of MBRs were developed including the size of pilolt plants and real wastewater treatment plants. literatures proved that industrial, domestic, and municipal wastewaters were treated efficently by membrane technologies. Furthermore, MBR technology is a very promising water treatment technology and could be used as an efficient tool for wastewater. MBR was employed for the treatment of both, grey-water and black-water. Results exhibited high efficiency of MBR for wastewater treatment. Thus, the high effluent quality opens a variety of different options for safe water reuse in irrigation and / or toilet flushing. There are a number of benefits associated with MBRs compared to conventional wastewater treatment processes. Therefore, excellent effluent quality can be obtained generally suitable for reuse as membranes provide high removals of pathogens including bacteria, protozoa and viruses resulting in excellent physical disinfection. The purpose is unrestricted water reuse for non-potable purposes. Several treatment technologies are available to transfer the manmade polluted water to be safe reuse as an additional amount to our water budget.
The objective of the present study is to represent the promising efficiency of MBR as biotechnology for the treatment of water and wastewater as a promising technique. Cleaned water production can be achieved without any hazard pollutants. On the other hand, the treated wastewater can be reused safely for non-potable purposes for irrigation and / or flushing. Several studies in Egypt are also presented here.