HE EFFECT of chemical modification of cotton and cellulosic portion of its blend with polyester with reactive cyclodextrin R-CD on its printability with reactive dye as well as its ability to keep fragrance was thoroughly investigated. The results obtained indicate that, the extent of reaction expressed as %N increases by increasing R-CD concentration. The K/S of R-CD modified samples is relatively higher than the untreated samples for both cotton and its blend with polyester, while the overall colour fastness properties are nearly the same. In case of incorporation of R-CD to the printing paste, the K/S increases as the amount of R-CD increases from 50 to 75 g/Kg printing paste, on increasing the amount of R-CD to 100g the opposite holds true. The effect of treatment with different perfume oils viz. vanelline, rose, jasmine and sandal on ability of the treated fabrics to keep fragrance upon storing for 2, 20, 30, 37 and 90 days was also investigated. It was found that the ability to keep fragrance increases by increasing the extent of reaction expressed as % N and decreases by increasing storing time (up to 3 months) and it depends on the kind of the perfume oil, where it can be arranged according to the order: sandal ˃ jasmine ˃ rose ˃ vanelline oil. Application of the obtained results was also done for scented ladies wear in innovation designs coloured with bifunctional reactive dye.