Background: Osteoarthritis is a major joint disease between the elderly with the
knee is the most common joint involved. Ultrasound is used for non-invasive
assessment of knee joint status with evaluation of the meniscal position, joint
space narrowing and presence of osteophytic lipping under load-bearing position
for early detection of osteoarthritis. The aim of the study is to assess the role of
high-resolution ultrasonography with dynamic assessment in evaluation of the
medial compartment knee joint osteoarthritis.To investigate the correlation
between the O.A grade determined by radiography and that by ultrasound
evaluation and to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of O.A determined using US.
Methods: This study was carried out at Radio diagnosis Department, Zagazig
University Hospitals. The present study was carried on 35 patients of knee
osteoarthritis. Diagnostic work up was done including plain radiography & MSUS.
Results: Total of 38 of the 40 knees were correctly diagnosed by ultrasonography
with sensitivity of 95 % and specificity of 80 %. The predictive value positive was
86.36 % and the predictive value negative was 92.3 % with 88.5% accuracy.
Conclusions: Our results indicate that knee ultrasonography provides valuable
information for the assessment of knee joint osteoarthritis. However, MSUS has
an advantage of dynamic evaluation with qualitative and semi-quantitative
assessment for early detection of knee O.A with good diagnostic accuracy.