Abstract Background: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a heter-ogonous tumor entity with variable prognostic parameters; microvessel density (MVD) is still a point of controversial as a predictor of prognosis in RCC. We aimed to evaluate CD105-MVD as an applicable prognostic indicator for renal cell carcinoma. Aim of Study: To evaluate the prognostic value of CD105/Endoglin in RCC through its correlation with other clinical and pathological parameters. Material and Methods: Histopathological diagnosis was based on Hematoxylin-Eosin stained sections and included the followings: Histological subtypes, tumor grade, pathological stage (pT), sarcomatoid components, tumor necrosis, capsular and perinephric fat invasion. Results: We found a significant correlation between the histopathological subtypes and the Fuhrman's nuclear grading system (p=0.016). CD105-MVD was significantly inversely correlated with Fuhrman's Nuclear grade (p=0.009) and Leibovich Score (p=0.012); patients with high expression of CD105 showed low Fuhrman nuclear grade and low risk of metastasis. However, insignificant correlation was detected regarding other separate parameters such as size, necrosis and pathological stage. Sarcomatoid clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC) recorded the largest diameter, the highest frequency of positive capsular and perinephric fat invasions and the lowest score of CD-105 MVD. Conclusion: We concluded that high CD105-MVD may be a marker of less aggressiveness of RCC, it was associated with more favorable pathological parameters; clear cell type, lower Fuhrman grade and low LS. Sarcomatoid CCRCC draws unique immunohistochemical expression of CD-105 MVD.