AbstractBackground: Iron deficiency is a frequent and multifac-torial disorder in the career of athletes. Exercise-induceddisturbances in iron homeostasis produce deleterious effectson performance and adaptation to training. Thus, theidentification of strategies that restore or maintain iron home-ostasis in athletes is required.Aim of Study: To determine the relation between regularphysical activity, iron level and hepcidin level as well asinflammatory markers among a sample of Medical Ain ShamsUniversity Students.Subjects and Methods: The current study is a descritptivestudy of 54 students from 200 students that follow regularphysical activity among 1220 Ain Shams Medical Students.Our study group was divided into two groups. Group 1 included23 students with reduced serum iron level. Group 2 included31 students with reduced serum iron level.Results: There was no significant difference observedbetween studied groups regarding BMI, waist circumference,hip circumference and waist hip ratio and the hemoglobinlevel. However serum ferritin and hepcidin were significantlylower in reduced serum iron group than normal serum irongroup. CRP was significantly higher in reduced serum irongroup than normal serum iron group and shows positivecorrelation between with BMI in reduced serum iron whereashepcidin show significant positive correlation between serumhepcidin and waist circumference in reduced serum iron groupas well as significant negative correlation with BMI in controlgroup.Conclusion: The timing of sampling post exercise mayshow the induction of hepcidin response to exercise whichmay show guiding information on exact timing with irontherapy in athletes.