Abstract Background: Dysmenorrhea is a common gynecological-complaint among young females with a major effect on work efficiencyand quality of life. The most common symptoms are pain in the lowerabdomen and back may reach to inner thighs, and other symptoms mayoccur such as breast tender-ness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, andheadache. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of progressivere-laxation training versus aromatherapy on primary dysmenor-rhea. Aim of Study: To study the effect of progressive relaxation training versus aromatherapy on primary dysmenorrhea. Subjects and Methods: Forty virgin girls were included in the study. Their age ranged from 16-25 years. They were randomly divided intotwo equal groups: Group (A): Received progressive relaxation training. Group (B): Received aroma-therapy. VAS scale and serum cortisol level blood test were used for assessment before and after successive eight weeks of treatment for both groups. Results: Post-treatment results revealed that there was a significant improvement in (VAS) scores and serumcortisol level in both groups however the difference between groups wasnon-significant there was a significant decrease in VAS score and serumcortisol level in each group. Conclusion: Aromatherapy has the same beneficial effect of progressive relaxations training on improvement of pain in primary dysmenorrhea.