Background: Cellulite is defined as changes in the surface contour of the skin that result in orange peel or “mattress" appearance of the skin. Cellulite is not defined as a pathologic condition, but is a substantial cosmetic concern for many adult females.
Aim of Study: To evaluate the efficacy of intermittent compression therapy versus Kinesio tape on cellulite in females.
Subjects and Methods: They were selected from students of Faculty of Physical Therapy Cairo University since October till end of December 2018, thirty females with femoral adipose tissue cellulite grade ³1 according to Nurnberger-Muller scale at their thighs. Their ages ranged from 19-25 years and their body mass indices did not exceed 35kg/m2. They were divided randomly into two groups, Group (A) (kineso tape group): Was consisted of 15 females; they all received kinesio tape for 6 weeks in addition to low caloric diet (1200kcal/day) and condition related advices. Group (B) (intermittent compression therapy group): Was consisted of 15 females, they received intermittent compression therapy for 6 weeks in addition to low caloric diet (1200kcal/day) and condition related advices as in group (A) inclusion criteria thirty females suffering from grade ³1 cellulite according to Nurnberger-Muller scale with femoral adipose tissue, their ages ranged from 19-25 years, their body mass indices did not exceed 35kg/m2. Exclusion criteria history of uncontrolled hypertension, malignancy, mental disorders, diseases of skin (dermatological diseases), inflammation within treatment area and history of Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT).
Results: The percent decrease in the mean value of ultra-sound in both groups (A & B) were 4.81% and 14.36% respectively, the percent decrease in the mean value of round tape measurement in both groups A and B were 2.39% and 3.64% respectively and there was statistical significant decrease in the median value of photonumeric cellulite severity scale in group B [8.0 (4.50-11.)] when compared with its corres ponding value in group A [9.5 (6.0-12.0)] with Z-value=–2.124 and p-value=0.034.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the use of KT and intermittent compression therapy resulted in sig-nificant reduction in femoral adipose tissue cellulite were observed favouring intermittent compression therapy approach.