Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major interna-tional health problem characterized by an absolute or relative deficiency in the production or action of insulin, which results in hyperglycemia. Acupuncture is a part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is most commonly used form of alter-native medicine, its modulatory effects are mediated by regulation of physiological state of the human body.
Aim of Study: The present study was designed to evaluate the possible ameliorating role of Electroacupuncture (EA) on the changes of fasting glucose, insulin, glycosylated hemo-globin HbA1c, C peptide levels, liver glycogen and glucose produced by kidneys in diabetic rats.
Material and Methods: Sixty adult male albino rats were used in this investigation, divided into following groups: Non-diabetic (C), diabetic (D), diabetic insulin treated (D+I), diabetic (EA) treated (D+E) and diabetic insulin and EA-treated (D + I + E). Blood samples were collected for estimation of fasting blood glucose (FBG), insulin, (HbA1c) and C peptide levels. Liver and kidneys are removed for estimation of liver glycogen and glucose produced by kidneys.
Results: Significant decrease in fasting blood glucose level, (HbA1c,) and glucose produced by kidneys with signif-icant increase in serum insulin, C peptide and liver glycogen in both diabetic insulin treated and diabetic (EA) treated groups compared with the diabetic group, but with significant change between the two groups. There was insignificant change between diabetic insulin and EA-treated (D+I+E) group and non-diabetic (C) group. Conclusion: EA can be used as an adjuvant therapy in diabetic rats.