Background: Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) is effective therapeutic procedure in treating diverse diseases.
Aim of Study: To evaluate the outcomes of TPE in different diseases in our department.
Patients and Methods: Retrospective study of patients referred for TPE during last five years period. We reviewed the demographic, clinical indications, number of sessions, volume of exchanged plasma, patient response and complica-tions during or after the procedure and descriptive statistica-lanalysis was performed.
Results: The study included 109 patients recorded during the last 5 years period. The indications for TPE were Gullian-Baree in 28 patients with response in (21/28 pateints), throm-botic microangiopathy in 27 patients with response in (19/27) patients, SLE in 22 patients with response in (16/22), Cry-oglobinemia in 12 patients with response in (10/12), RPGN
in 5 patients with response in (4/5) patients, hyperviscosity
in 6 patients, mythenia gravis in 4 patients, renal transplantation in 3 patients, dermatomyocitis in one patient and autoimmune hemolytic anemia in one patient with complete response in all patients of these later diseases. The main complications of the procedure were muscle cramps induced by hypocalcemia (n=10, 9%), allergic reactions (n=9, 8%), hypotension (n=7, 6%), fever (n=4, 3.6%), loss of consciousness (n=2, 1.8%), convulsions (n=2, 1.8%), catheter related hematoma (n=1, 0.9%), bleeding from AV fistula (n=1, 0.9%).
Conclusion: Our experience in therapeutic plasma ex-change showed favorable results in different immunological and non-immunological diseases.