ArticleEfficacy of Different Uterine Compression Sutures in Controlling Excessive Uterine Bleeding during Caesarean Section
ArticleEfficacy of Different Uterine Compression Sutures in Controlling Excessive Uterine Bleeding during Caesarean Section
ArticleLynch suture is effective in controlling postpartum hemorrhage: a prospective observational study
ArticleLynch suture is effective in controlling postpartum hemorrhage: a prospective observational study
ArticleUterine artery Color Doppler Parameters after Bilateral Uterine Artery Ligation for Postpartum Hemorrhage
ArticleUterine artery Color Doppler Parameters after Bilateral Uterine Artery Ligation for Postpartum Hemorrhage
ArticleComparison between Placental Site Injection of Vasopressin and Bilateral Internal Iliac Artery Ligation to Reduce Blood Loss during Cesarean Section for Placenta Praevia, A Rando
ArticleComparison between Placental Site Injection of Vasopressin and Bilateral Internal Iliac Artery Ligation to Reduce Blood Loss during Cesarean Section for Placenta Praevia, A Rando
ArticleComparative Clinical Study for Uterotonic Drugs Used in Reducing Postpartum Haemorrhage for Risky Patients in Caesarean Section
ArticleComparative Clinical Study for Uterotonic Drugs Used in Reducing Postpartum Haemorrhage for Risky Patients in Caesarean Section
ArticleThe effect of bilateral uterine artery ligation versus intermittent clamping of uterine and ovarian artery on blood loss during abdominal myomectomy : A randomized controlled tria
ArticleThe effect of bilateral uterine artery ligation versus intermittent clamping of uterine and ovarian artery on blood loss during abdominal myomectomy : A randomized controlled tria
ArticleComparative Study of Oxytocin Versus Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate for Reducing Blood Loss in Patient Undergoing Lower Segment Elective Cesarean Section at High Risk for Post-Pa
ArticleComparative Study of Oxytocin Versus Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate for Reducing Blood Loss in Patient Undergoing Lower Segment Elective Cesarean Section at High Risk for Post-Pa
ArticleUterine Packing with Gauze Versus Bakri Balloon for Arresting Atonic Postpartum Hemorrhage after Cesarean Delivery
ArticleUterine Packing with Gauze Versus Bakri Balloon for Arresting Atonic Postpartum Hemorrhage after Cesarean Delivery
ArticleComparative Study of Preoperative Misoprostol versus Intraoperative Hemostatic Uterine Artery Ligation in Reducing Blood Loss in Cases of Myomectomy
ArticleComparative Study of Preoperative Misoprostol versus Intraoperative Hemostatic Uterine Artery Ligation in Reducing Blood Loss in Cases of Myomectomy
ArticlePurse string suturing of the lower uterine segment in placenta accreta spectra syndrome for control of bleeding: a prospective case series study
ArticlePurse string suturing of the lower uterine segment in placenta accreta spectra syndrome for control of bleeding: a prospective case series study