Background: Surgical excision was the definitive proce-dure performed for symptomatic benign breast tumors to alleviate anxiety regarding potential for growth or malignancy as well as physical discomfort. However, the efficacy and safety of endoscopic removal of benign breast disease is still a matter of debate.
Aim of the Study: The aim of this study is to evaluate feasibility, safety and cosmetic results of endoscopic excision of fibroadenoma of the breast.
Patients and Methods: A total of 10 patients underwent endoscopic fibroadenoma excision between June 2016 and August 2017 at General Surgery Department in Tanta Univer-sity Hospital. Patients with recurrent fibroadenoma, multiple swelling or suspicious breast masses were excluded. Cosmetic results, cancer incidence (histopathological surprise), compli-cation rates, and post-operative pain were evaluated.
Results: Detailed location of fibroadenoma were in the upper outer quadrant of the breast (n=4, 40%), central supra-areolar lesion (n=3, 30%), and the same presentation for upper inner, lower outer and lower inner lesions (n=1, 10%). Con-version to open technique occurred in two patients (20%). Cosmetic results were excellent in 7 patients (87.5%) and good in one patient (12.5%). Post-operative pain was mild in seven patients (70%) and moderate in three patients (30%). We observed no intra operative bleeding or nerve injury. Subcutaneous emphysema occurred in 3 patients (30%). There was no post-operative seroma, hematoma, wound infection, skin burn nor breast deformity in all cases.
Conclusion: Endoscopic resection of breast fibroadenoma is safe and technically simple and is associated with an excellent cosmetic results and a low incidence of complications. Furthermore, it seems to be the optimal procedure, when surgery for benign breast disease is indicated, as endoscopic breast surgery has the advantages of elimination of scars from breast and avoid excess injury of breast tissue.