Background: Interventional cardiac catheterization de-scribes procedures where cardiac catheters are used to modify, palliate, or treat congenital or acquired cardiac diseases. Adequate preparation of the patient before the procedure and careful monitoring during the procedure can minimize com-plications and fatality from invasive studies.
Aim of Study: To assess degree of adherence of medical physicians to Assiut university children hospital protocols for preparations of pediatric cardiac catheterization according to Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention (SCAI) guidelines.
Patients and Methods: The study aims to assess the preparations for pediatric cardiac catheterization among children admitted to Catheterization Laboratory of Assuit University Children 's Hospital from 1st of January 2016 to 31th of July 2016 using a standard report, also we assessed the preparations retrospectively from 1st of January 2015 to 3 1th December 2015.
Results: The study included 230 patients with congenital heart disease. Their age ranged from 6 months to 18 years, 90 cases were males and 140 were females. Data of the study showed that the preparations for pediatric cardiac catheteri-zation in Assiut University Children's Hospital partially followed the reference standard of the study.
Conclusion: In brief, preparations for cardiac catheteri-zation is done to maximize the patient's safety, that represent the doctor's main target. So, Adequate preparations of the patient before the procedure and careful monitoring during the procedure can minimize complications and fatality from invasive studies, and achieve a pleasing procedure outcome of the department of pediatric cardiology diagnostic and interventional procedures.