Background: Helicobacter pylori treatment still remains a challenge for physicians, and no current first-line therapies are able to cure the infection in all treated patients, recent studies reported declining in eradication rate with commonly usedclarithromycin based triple therapy and high cure rate was observed in patients treated by other regimens such as bismuth based therapy.
Aim of the Study: To evaluate the effectiveness of the different regimens (Clarithromycin based triple therapy, bismuth based therapy and levofloxacin based therapy) on eradication of H.pylori infection.
Methods: The data of 510H. pylori-infected treatment-naïve subjects (215 males, 295 female) were collected retro-spectively through period between January 2014 and Decem-ber 2016. Patients treated at Gastroenterology Clinic Al-Sabah Hospital Kuwait. Four hundred and twenty nine patients treated by clarithromycin based triple therapy, 75 patients treated by bismuth containing quadruple therapy. C13 urea breath test was used for confirm eradication.
Results: Eradication rate was significantly higher in 10 days bismuth based quadruple regimen than 14 days clarithro-mycin based triple regimen (96%, 77% respectively) (p<0.001). Levofloxacin based triple therapy and bismuth based quadruple therapy were effective 2nd line therapy (³90% cure rate).
Conclusion: Bismuth based quadruple regimen more effective therapy for H.pylori infection than clarithromycin based triple regimen. Levofloxacin based triple and bismuth based quadruple regimens are effective 2nd line therapy with high cure rate.