Background: Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is diminished red blood cell production due to low iron stores in the body. It is the most common nutritional disorder worldwide and accounts for approximately one-half of anemia cases, it is a common problem in postnatal period due to dietary deficiency of iron and folates during pregnancy and the blood loss during delivery.
Aim of Study: This study was conducted to determine the effect of aerobic exercises on iron deficiency anemia in postnatal women.
Material and Methods: Fifty post natal women after delivery complaint from iron deficiency anemia (diagnosied by gynacolgist/physican) shared in this study. their ages ranged from 20 to 35 years old, their body mass index >35kg/m2 and thir serum ferritin level ranged from 30 to 70ng/dl. They were devided randomly into two groups (A & B) equal in numbers. Group A (study group) was treated by iron supplemnt tablets (ferrous sulfate 200mg once per day), diet therapy and aerobic exercises in a form of walking on elctrical treadmill (30min/ session, 3 times/week for 3 months), while group B (control group) was treated by iron supplement tablets (ferrous sulfate 200mg once per day) and diet therapy only. Serum ferriten level, body weight and body mass index were measured befor and after performing the treatment program for both groups (A & B).
Results: The obtaied result showed that there was signif-icant decrease (p>0.01) in the mean values of serum ferriten levels, body weight and BMI in group (A) post-treatment when it compared to pre-treatment mean values, whlie in group (B) there was a statitcally signifcant increase in (p>0.01) in the mean values of serum ferritin levels in post-treatment when in compared to pre-treatmen mean values and there is significant decreace in mean values of body weight in posttest when it compared to pretest mean values with no significant difference in mean values of BMI in pre and post-test.
Conclusion: The result of this study could be concluded that aerobic exercises was not recommended for women with iron deficiency anemia during postnatal period.