Background: Syringocystadenoma papilliferum is a rare adnexal tumor of controversial origin that often occurs as a solitary tumor derived from apocrine and eccrine glands. It is more common in children and adolescents and affects the head and neck regions,although occurrences on other anatom-ical locations have been described. Routine H & E-stained sections revealed cystic epidermal invaginations with papillary projections. The superficial portions of the cyst were lined by stratified keratinizing epithelium, whereas the deeper papillated portion exhibited a double layer of basal-like cells and luminal eosinophilic columnar cells with focal decapitation secretions.
Patient and Method: A female patient, aged 29 years, presented to us in the outpatient clinic suffering from left earache and hearing loss since the past 3 months, with gradual onset and a slowly progressive course. On examination, we found a left aural polyp, which was firm and grayish in color, but extremely tender on touch. Biopsy for histopathological examination was consistent with a diagnosis of syringocysta-denoma papilliferum. The patient received regular follow-up and is doing well with regard to her earache with marked hearing improvement. To conclude, solitary lesions seen in unusual locations generate multiple differential diagnoses and should be confirmed by histopathology in order to exclude other pathologies and define the appropriate therapeutic approach.
Conclusion: Solitary lesions seen in unusual locations generate multiple differential diagnoses and they must be confirmed by histopathology