Objective: The purpose of the current study was to investigate the indirect impact of an acrylic labio-lingual splints as a fixation maneuver of pediatric mandibular body fractures on temporo- mandibular joint (TMJ) function.
study design: The current study was conducted on twenty patients of both genders (12 boys and 8 girls) with age ranging from 5-10 years old. These patients suffered from 20 single mandibular fractures at teeth bearing area. The patients were divided into two groups; pre-school age group (G1) and school age group (G2). They were conservatively treated through closed reduction and indirect fixation by using acrylic labio-lingual splint tightened by 2-4circummandibular wires under local anesthesia and conscious sedation. The patients were followed up clinically and radio-graphically immediately, and at (one, three, six, nine and twelve) months postoperatively.
Results: Through all follow up period; all mandibular functional movements well not affected. Statistically; there were non-statistically significance decrease in all functional mandibular movement in both groups. In the meantime there non-statistically significance decrease in all functional mandibular movement in the same group from immediate post-operative period to the end of the postoperative follow up period
Conclusion: An acrylic labio-lingual splints as the legendary mean of indirect fixating of pediatric mandibular body fractures had no deleterious effect on TMJ functional activities.