Background: Implant stability plays important role in the success of implant which is affected by peri-implant bone defect .Also the bone formation around the implant indicates the implant os- seointegration condition.
Aim of the study: was aimed to evaluate the relation between horizontal gap ,implant stability and osseointegration of immediate implant.
Patient & Methods: This study included 14 patients (8males and 6 females) average age was 32 years. 20 implants were inserted into 20 fresh extracted of maxillary non restorable single rooted teeth. Horizontal gap was measured immediately after implant insertion, stability and bone density of each implant were measured immediately, 3 and 6months postoperatively. All data were ana- lyzed statistically.
Results: The mean of horizontal gap was 1.84±0.38, implant stability measures were 58.35±4.53, 64.9±2.63 and 74.45±4.78 while bone density were 1303.2±140.68, 1609.15±122.84 and 1963.25±127.13 immediately,3 & 6 months postoperatively respectively. Horizontal gap re- sults statistically showed reverse relation with implant stability & bone density results. While im- plant stability results showed direct relation with bone density results.
Conclusion: Horizontal gap has reverse relation with implant stability & osseointegration. While implant stability has direct relation with osseointegration.