Omega-3 was recently introduced as an effective therapeutic agent and a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, which promotes whole-body wound healing including ulcers as it has an important role in modulation of proinflammatory cytokine production.
Aim of study: This study was conducted to evaluate and compare the effect of topical application and systemic administration of omega-3 on the healing of oral mucosal wounds which were experimentally induced in albino rats.
Materials & Methods: The experiment comprised 45 albino rats which were divided into 3 groups (n= 15 per group); control group (C) not receiving any treatment, group (L) receiving topical application of omega-3, and group (S) receiving systemic omega-3, 5 rats from each group were sacrificed at day 2, 4 and 8 respectively . Tissue samples were obtained and prepared for histological and biochemical evaluations.The data obtained were statistical analyzed and compared.
Results: Biochemical results showed significant improvement regarding TNF- α and IL-8 level after 4 and 8 days in local and systemic groups compared to the control. The topical omega-3 group showed better results than the systemic with significant differences in TNF- α after 2 and 4 days, while for IL-8 the difference was only significant after 8 days. The histological results in both local and systemic treated groups after 2 days revealed inflammation and epithelial degeneration which gradually reepithelized by 4 to 8 days.
Conclusion: Omega- 3 greatly enhanced oral ulcer healing and showed superior effects using topical application.