Introduction: Management of long span anterior edentulous area is considered a prosthodontics challenge related to many problems as length of the span, as well as functional principles are considered upon diagnosis, in addition to other biomechanical consideration and esthetics.
Materials and Methods: This study was carried out to detect the effect of using different implant abutment connections on supporting structure of implants supported partial overdenture in maxillary Kennedy class IV cases with immediate loading. Ten male patients were selected each patient received maxillary two implants, one with platform switch connection and other with conventional platform design. Both implants were immediately loaded with partial overdenture through a pair of locator attachment. Radiographic evaluations for bone height changes around installed implants were carried out at the time of overdenture insertion and after3, 6 and 9 months follow up.
Results: A statistically significant difference between the two implant designs was reported for all the follow up periods with Platform switched implant showing less values of bone loss compared to conventional platform implant.
Conclusion: The current study concluded that platform switching with immediate loading protocol are capable of reducing the amount of crestal bone loss.