E-Learnig environment conist of students, instuctors,content,teaching strategies and assessment procedures.Content development is acentral part and plays a majar factor in the success of the e-learning process. The ADDIE model emphasizes evaluation at every stage. however, it does not specify a reference model or aframework for the evaluation. The goal of this paper is to develop a reference model that assesses the effect of the design of e-content on the e-learning process. This reseach usess acse studt methodology. The case study at a university that pratices distance learning for long time and recently moved into e-learning. In this case study, a team of developers is working on producing the e- content under the supervision of university professors subject matter experts. Our objective, in this paper, is to analyze the development process,identify the areas of deficiencies, and develop an assessment strategy to help in controlling the process to produce better quality e-content.