his study was carried out during two successive seasons (2015/016 and 2016/017) on Washington Navel orange trees grown in sandy–loamy soil under flooding irrigation system with Nile water in a private orchard at Qalub district, El-Qalubia Governorate, Egypt. This experiment studied the effect of spraying trees with diatoms at 0.5, 0.75 and1.00 kg or GA3 at 25 ppm during 25 %, 75 % or twice 25 & 75% of full-bloom on inflorescences types, fruit set %, leaf pigments, leaf minerals content and tree yield efficiency as fruit number & weight and fruit quality. Results showed that spraying of diatoms (0.5kg / 600L) on Navel orange trees at 75 % of full-bloom significantly increased leaf pigments contents. Spraying diatoms once at 25% or twice 25 & 75% % of full- bloom at 1.00 kg/600L improved with significant effect : fruit set % , leaf minerals content and tree yield efficiency as fruit number & weight and fruit quality ( fruit size , fruit hardness ) and (TSS %, TA % , TSS/ acid ratio and V. C content). Also, spraying of GA3 at 25 ppm during 75% of full bloom statistically increased leaf iron, juice V. C and fruit hardness. Moreover, both diatoms and GA3 reduced fruit drop and weight of peel when compared to the control. On the other hand, diatoms or GA3 treatments had insignificant effect on leaf potassium, Chl. b, total carotenoids, zinc and number of both leafy and leafless inflorescences.