THIS investigation was carried out during two successive seasons of 2013 and 2014 in a private farm located at the 64 Km on the Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road. Pomegranate trees (Wonderful cultivar) were selected to study the effect of two covering materials (white shaded net for trees and white agril bags for fruits) and potassium fertilization (K2SO4) on reducing pomegranate fruit disorders and improving fruit quality. The covering treatments started (after 21 days of fruit set till the 1st week of October) and K2SO4 as soil application at three rates (1.0, 0.75 and 0.50 kg /tree) divided monthly on batches (from March to September). The obtained results showed that, covering trees with white shaded net and supplemented with the application of 0.75 kg/tree K2SO4, increased fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm), fruit weight (g) and fruit volume (cm)3. While, the rate of 1.0 kg/tree increased T.S.S %, T.S.S. acidity and vitamin C. The open field trees that fertilized with 1.0 kg of K2SO4 increased yield/tree (kg) and fruit edible part (%). There were convergence between the two rates of K2SO4 (1.0 & 0.75 kg/tree) in total sugars percentage and total anthocyanin content in fruit juice. The highest marketable fruits (%) and the lowest cracked fruits (%), sunburned fruits (%) per tree and fruit juice acidity (%) associated with covered trees with shaded net and fruits with agril bags and have been supplied with 1.0&0.75 kg/tree of K2SO4. Moreover, leaves N, P, and K contents increased by increasing the rates of K2SO4 fertilization, the maximum records were obtained with the open field treatments.
Generally, it can be recommended under the same conditions of this study that, covering pomegranate trees by white shaded net with the addition of K2SO4 at 0.75 kg/tree can be used in reducing fruit disorders and improving fruit quality, that led to increase the total income per fed, this in turn increased the net profit /fed. Increasing the benefit is nowadays used in the main areas of fruit production in Egypt.