THIS INVESTIGATION was conducted during two successive ……. seasons (2012 and 2013) on 22 years old "Costata" persimmon trees budded on “Lotus" rootstock grown on clay loam soil and irrigated with surface irrigation at Kalubeia Governorate, Egypt. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of some horticultural practices or GA3 spray on fruit set, fruit drop percentage and yield (kg/tree). Also, N, P, K, Ca, carbohydrates leaf content and fruit quality parameters were determined. In addition fruit storability and fruit quality characters during cold storage for 6 weeks at 5oC and RH 90-95% were studied. Results showed that girdling trees or GA3 spray at full bloom was more effective in reducing fruit drop, increasing yield, leaf nutrient status, also, to prolong cold storage period and maintained the good quality of fruits.