TTHIS INVESTIGATION was carried out during two …..successive seasons (2010 and 2011) on "Le-Conte" pear trees (Pyrus communis X Pyrus pyrifolia). The trees were 8 years old, budded on Pyrus communis rootstock and grown on calcareous soil under flood irrigation system in a private orchard located at Borg El-Arab region, Alexandria governorate. Twenty-four trees planted at 5 x 5m apart were selected as uniform as possible. The experiment involved the following six treatments: Control (untreated trees), Potassium sulphate at 0.1%, Copper sulphate at 0.02%, Sequestrated zinc at 0.04%, Sequestrated iron at 0.06% and Mixed nutrients mixed by the same concentration. Each treatment was applied three times during the growing season starting immediately after fruit set and at 21 days intervals.
The results showed that all treatments gave better results compared with control. Mixed nutritions gave the highest results in this trend. This treatment resulted in the best vegetative growth parameters. Leaf K, Cu, Zn and Fe content were also improved, in addition to ensure the highest yield, improved the physical and chemical characteristics of fruits.