POMEGRANATE (Punica granatum L.) genetic variability was investigated among Manfalouty pomegranate (the most distributed commercial cultivar in Egypt) grown at a private farm located in Badari – Assuit Governorate, Egypt. Four promising pomegranate genotypes were selected after preliminary surveys for 5 years in the field among Manfalouty cultivar, whereas they proved to have desired characteristics and were named differently by the farmers (1- Abo- Shelh, 2-Almekhtat, 3-Abo-Shoka, and 4- Genah Aldabor). Each of the selected genotype was investigated in two successive seasons (2012 & 2013) for flowering, yield and fruit quality characteristics. It is interesting to note that, genotype no. (3) had the maximum records in both total no. of flowers and hermaphrodite (perfect) flowers (%), however, it recorded the minimum male flowers (%). The opposite trend was shown in genotype no. (2). Genotype no. (3) followed by genotype no. (4) reached flowering and fruit maturity stages earlier than Manfalouty cv as well as genotypes no. 1 & 2 (about 1 month earlier for flowering date & 1.5 – 2 months for maturity stage). Whereas, genotype no. (2) was the latest in this concern. A considerable variation was observed in fruit yield characteristics of the studied new Manfalouty genotypes. However Manfalouty cv. produced the maximum yield (112.7 & 103.9 kg/tree), it had the least marketable fruits (%) which as a result it had the highest tendency to fruit cracking (20.60 & 22.90%) and sun-burnt fruits (10.70 & 11.40 %) in both studied seasons, respectively. The opposite results were recorded in genotype no. (2) whereas it achieved the highest marketable fruits (%) as it recorded (97.40 & 97.20%), the lowest percentages of cracked fruits (2.60 & 2.80 %) and (0.00 %) sun-burnt, but it produced the minimum yield (43.00 & 48.57 kg/tree). Among the studied genotypes, (no. 1) had the most desirable fruit physical characteristics (weight, circumferences, length, volume & aril weight %) as well as total juice anthocyanin (%) and (no. 4) was the richest in reducing-sugars, total sugars & tannins (%). Manfalouty fruit juice had the maximum values of T.S.S., acidity (%) &Vitamin (C) as mg ascorbic acid/100ml juice.