An occupational disease is typically identified when it is shown that it is more prevalent in a given group of workers than in the general population, or in other worker populations.
The present review study aims at eliciting development of the occupational diseases concepts and lists in Egypt and internationally, in order to anticipate the future trends in enhancing the supportive activities targeting healthcare activities of the Egyptian workers. The historical and present situation of occupational diseases are carefully reviewed and discussed, emphasizing the foot prints of related conceptions in Egypt and ILO.
Future ambitions are expressed by the current study. Adopt the ILO list as well as its future amendments. In addition, re-formatting the schedule, in a similar way the ILO list is organized in three categories of occupational diseases: 1) Diseases caused by agents (chemical, physical, biological) ; 2) Diseases of target organ systems (respiratory, skin and mucous membranes, musculoskeletal, liver, kidney, endocrine, etc.) ; and 3) Occupational cancer. Restructure the basic occupational health services (BOHS) to insure provision of comprehensive and continuous benefits for every worker in his workplace. A series of guidelines and codes of practice should be issued to facilitate adoption of BOHS with detailed required procedures.
The study recommended continued improving the Egyptian schedule, with establishment of proper guidelines and codes of practice to lead surveillance of the worker's health and the workplace, an important item in basic occupational health services (BOHS).