Background: Violence against Taxi drivers in Zagazig City is becoming common However, the research of this issue never exists. Aim of work: to identify risk factors faced by taxi drivers for workplace violence and identifies current prevention
measures. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional approach was employed. A selfstructured questionnaire was used to collect data and different aspects of workplace violence against Taxi drivers at Zagazig between April and May 2011. 85 taxi drivers agreed to participate. Since most of the participants were illiterate or semi-illiterate, all the interviews were face to face, performed by the research team and filled in the questionnaire on their own. Pearson's chi-square analysis was used to test the differences in exposure to physical and non-physical violence according to espondents' characteristics and perpetrators characteristics. Logistic regression model was used to determine the most factor affect in the outcome exposure (violence) Results: Less than half of the respondents (40.1%) reported exposure to violence in the previous
12 months; 30.6%physical assault and 16.5% to verbal assault. Logistic regression analysis was done; we found that working at night shift was the most independent factor which affects the outcome (violence). Respondents characteristics like young age ( represent (80.7) of physical violence and( 35.7%) from verbal violence. Perpetrator characteristic mostly male (100%) as regard physical violence, as regard verbal violence (64.2%) was male and( 35.8%) was female ,in the age group (19-35) represent (53.8%) of those who committed physical violence and (64.3%) of verbal violence.Consequences of both physical and verbal violence were considerable .Only 7% of victims who need treatment by doctor, (10%) had stab wounds, (5%) had been beaten and (2.5%) had fractures. In 30% of them made changes in work schedule, 75% restrict
trip outside the city and 70% stop night shift. Conclusions: Taxi drivers are at high risk of violent incidents in zagazig city. The Interior Ministry needs to introduce policy and strategies for prevention and management of Taxi drivers' violence, enhancement of incident reporting and follow up on reported events as well as providing adequate
physical and psychological support to victims of Taxi drivers violence Decision makers need to be aware of the causes and potential consequences of such events. There is an urgent need for intervention to protect taxi drivers' health.