The field work was carried out at a private farm at Tour city, South Sinai Governorate, during the two consecutive winter seasons of 2018/2019 and 2019/2020.The experiments were conducted to study the effect of organic manure, soil amendment i.e., 0; 25; 30 and 35 m³/feddan, and four rates of sulfur application i.e., 0; 100; 150 and 200 kg/feddan, where added during soil preparation for planting, on growth, yield and chemical composition of broad bean, Aspany F1 cv., grown in sandy soil conditions. Results revealed that all organic manure treatments showed increase in all growth and yield characters when compared with control treatment in both growing seasons. Organic manure at the rate of 35 m³/feddan has given significant increase in plant height and weight; number of branches/plant;pods length, pod fresh weight and N; P and K (%), while organic manure at the rate of30 m³/feddanhad superior significantly effect on number of pods/plant; number of seeds/pod; plant yield and total yield (ton/feddan), followed by organic manure at the rate of 35 m³/feddan. No significant differences occurred between these two organic treatments in both seasons. Sulfur amendment at the rate of 200 kg/feddan, followed by the rate of 150 kg/feddan had got the highest values and significantly increased plant height and weight; number of branches/plant; number of pods/plant, pods length, average pod fresh weight, number of seeds/pod; plant yield; total yield (ton/feddan), as well asK and P (%). There were no significant differences between both treatments in both growing seasons.