This research aims at studying the current situation of the Egyptian fish foreign trade, the current status of local production, fish gap, self-sufficiency ratio, and per capita fish consumption in Egypt. Moreover, modeling the most important factors influencing Egyptian fish imports and exports, and finally, evaluating the Egyptian fish trade structure. The results revealed that Egypt is generally considered as an imported fish country despite the abundance of fish production factors such as the huge natural fish water resources. The results indicate that the increase in fish self-sufficiency ratio in Egypt by 10%, will lead to a decrease in fish imports' quantity by 51.7%. An increase in the population of Egypt by 10% will lead to an increase in fish imports' quantity by 25%. As for fish exports, the results indicate that the increase of Fish Exports' value by 10%, will lead to an increase in fish exports' quantity by 5.5%. While increasing fish self-sufficiency ratio% in Egypt by 10%, will lead to an increase in fish exports' quantity by 6.5%.Egyptian fish trade balance suffers from a continuous quantitative deficit of about 238 thousand tons and a value deficit of about 2554 million pounds as an average during the study period (2000-2017), which indicates that the Egyptian balance of payments for fish still suffers from deficit and fish exports are still unable to cope with fish imports. The study recommends a development program that aims at increasing fish production in general and the most consumed fish species in particular. Developing and increasing reliance on the internal markets in order to reduce fish imports and increase exports, which leads to reducing the fish trade deficit. With the fact that it is not possible to significantly increase the production of exportable fish in Egypt, it is necessary to focus on expanding high-quality fish exports and high-quality fish products.