This study aims to inventory Cladocerans communities and determine their seasonal distribution according to certain environmental parameters in a natural shallow freshwater lake (Lake Oubeira) that El Kala National Park shelters. The values of chlorophyll-a and transparency observed during the study period indicate that the water body fluctuated between eutrophic and hypereutrophic status. Occurrence frequency of the 17 listed species revealed the dominance of Bosmina longirostris and the constancy of Ceriodaphnia lacustris. Among the 15 remaining species, 9 are regular (Oxyurella tenuicaudis, Alona guttata, Alonella exigua, Pleuroxus aduncus, Eubosmina coregoni, Ceriodaphnia rotunda, Moina brachiata, Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Diaphanosoma lacustris), 4 are incidental (Scapholeberis mucronata, Acroperus elongatus, Simocephalus serrulatus, Moina micrura) and 2 are rare (Macrothrix rosea, Sida crystallina). The number of species encountered in Oubeira waters is around 7, 17, 16, and 14 in spring, summer, autumn and winter respectively. In terms of abundance, the 7 species collected in the spring account for more than 88% of the total number of individuals collected. B. longirostris represents 9/10 of the overall density recorded by the Cladocerans collected. This species is highly abundant in spring (94% of its overall density) and correlated positively with transparency. C. lacustris, D. brachyurum, M. micrura, M. brachiata are absent in spring and are mainly present in summer and autumn; these species show positive correlations with water temperature, chlorophyll-a, nutrients and negative with transparency. It is also interesting to study the temporal dynamics of the various zooplanktonic groups and their interaction with phytoplankton and the fish inhabiting water bodies. Such studies need to be continued because they allow the creation of databases that will be used in biomonitoring programs and management of continental waters.