The spotted seabass Dicentrarchus punctatus in Bardawil Lagoon was assessed using Beverton and Holt relative yield per recruit model. A total of 879 specimens were collected during two fishing seasons between April 2004 and December 2005. The maximum life span was four years for length range of 13.8 ā 35 cm TL. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function were K = 0.581 year-1, Lā = 37.476 cm and t0 = -0.227 years. The rates of total mortality Z and natural mortality M were 1.32 and 0.40 year-1 respectively. Rates of fishing mortality F = 0.92 year-1 and exploitation E = 0.70 indicate that the population of this species is being heavily exploited. The estimated total length at first capture Lc was 14.8 cm, while the total length at 50% maturity was 25.13 cm. Reproductive activity of spotted seabass took place between November and February, with the greatest intensity in December. Yield per recruit analysis revealed over-fished stock conditions particularly because small fish are effectively unprotected by current minimum size regulations. Based on the analysis it is recommended that the commercial fishery of Bardawil Lagoon should be subjected to a total allowable catch, bag limits should be lowered and a maximum size limit be implemented.