: A total number of 667 laying hen from three genotypes : heterozygous naked neck (Na/na), homozygous naked neck (Na/Na) and normally feathered genotype (na/na) were used to study the effect of the gene responsible of reduced feather coverage (Na), dietary protein levels (17%, 14%) and their combining effect on egg production performance. The main results could be summarized as follows:
1- A significant effect (P<0.01) was proved due to genotype on body weight at different ages.
2- The naked neck birds (Na/-) were earlier in sexual maturity (P<0.01) by about 4 days with an increase in total egg production by about 12.70% and 10% in Na/na and Na/Na when compared with their normally feathered counterparts.
3- The presence of Na gene improved egg weight by about 5.40% and 5.90% whereas, egg mass increased by 18.70% and 16.50% in Na/na and Na/Na genotypes, respectively.
4- The na/na genotype was more sensitive to the reduction in protein level than Na/- birds.
5- High protein level (17% vs 14%) reduced age at sexual maturity (P<0.05) and improved egg number, egg weight and egg mass by 5%, 2% and 6.70%, for Na/na, Na/Na and na/na genotype, respectively. Also, high protein improved body weight significantly (P<0.01) at 40 wks of age.
6- The presence of Na gene increased albumen by about 3%, 4.70% whereas it reduced yolk % by 3.80% and 5.80% in Na/na and Na/Na genotypes respectively. The Na/- birds exhibited low egg shell quality as measured by shell %, shell strength and thickness when compared with na/na genotype.
7- High protein level increased significantly (P<0.01) albumen by 2.2%. whereas it reduced yolk % by 2.7% without any significant effect on egg shell quality.
8- The presence of Na gene reduced feather by about 26.50% and 32.80% in Na/na and Na/Na genotypes, respectively. Also, it reduced abdominal fat by 19% and 37.70% in the previous two genotypes.
9- The Na/- birds exhibited a significant (P<0.01) improvement in dressing % when compared with the normally feathered hens. A highly significant differences (P<0.01) existed between the different genotypes in body temperature (B.T) where the Na/- birds were lower in B.T. than the normal.
An improvement in ovary and oviduct percentages occurred due to Na