The present investigation was carried out in the Apiary of Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University during the peak of oriental hornet, from the first of September to the end of October, 2006. A new technique (with four to eight-way) for simultaneous choice test was used in the present investigation to study the attraction of oriental hornets to certain natural substances under laboratory conditions. The evaluation of n-butanol, ammonia and acetic acid (absolute) showed that the n-butanol gave the highest attractiveness (59.3%), resulting in a 0.59 response index, towards the tested hornets compared to the others. Of the three tested concentrations of n-butanol (100, 50, 25%) the 50% gave the highest attractiveness (55.7%), inducing 0.56 response suggested index to tested hornets as compared with others, which were unaffected. The concentration of 5% of ammonia was highly attractive (42.7%) than others (25, 10%, control), resulting in a 0.43 response index. The 0.5% concentration of acetic acid indicated only high attractiveness (45.7%) to the hornets than others (2, 1%, control), inducing a 0.46 response. Testing of essential oils, eucalyptus, fennel and anise, in their pure forms, indicated that the eucalyptus oil gave the most attractive effect (48.7%). Of the different concentrations of eucalyptus oil (50, 25, 10%), the 50% concentration resulted in the greatest attractiveness (49%). The test of the greatest attractive concentrations of tested substances, n-butanol (50%), acetic acid (0.5%), ammonia (5%) and eucalyptus oil (50%) showed that the n-butanol (50%) induced the greatest attractiveness at all to oriental hornets (45.7%), resulting in a 0.46 response index