Two field trials were carried out during 2005 and 2006 successive summer seasons at Ismailia Agricultural Research Station, to study the effect of micronutrients and weed control treatments on the dry weights of annual weeds (g/m2), peanut yield, yield components, macronutrient uptake, protein and oil percentage of peanut grown under sandy soil condition.
The results showed that foliar application of micronutrients signify-cantly reduced the dry weights of all weed species. Applying foliar appli-cation of micronutrients at the rate of 3.0 g/L reduced significantly the dry weights of total annual weeds at 75 and 105 (DAS) by 33.8 and 10.8%, respectively, as compared to control treatment (without addition of foliar application) in the first and second seasons. In general, foliar application of micronutrients increased signify-cantly seed, straw and biological yield of peanut as well as N, P and K uptake and protein percentage as compared with control treatment in both seasons.
All herbicidal treatments gave significant effect on reducing the dry weights of all weed species at 75 and 105 (DAS) in 2005 and 2006 seasons. Applying butralin at the rate of 1200 g (a.i)/fed followed by one hand-hoeing reduced the dry weights of total annual weeds by (90.5 & 92.5%) and (94.2 & 89.9%) at 75 and 105 (DAS), respectively, as compared to weedy check in 2005 and 2006 seasons. Applying oxyfluorfen at the rate of 240 g (a.i)/ fed followed by one hand-hoeing increased significantly seed yield of peanut by 190.5 and 172.7%, respectively, and oxyfluorfen at the same rate applied alone significantly increased straw yield of peanut by 78.4 and 67.1%, respectively, as compared with weedy check in 2005 and 2006 seasons. Concerning to N,P and K uptake by peanut, data revealed that oxyfluorfen at the rate of 240 g (a.i)/ fed alone or followed by one hand-hoeing gave the highest values as compared with other treatments in both seasons. Protein percentage of peanut was affected significantly by clethodim at the rate of 125 g (a.i)/fed and butralin at the rate of 1200 g (a.i)/ fed followed by one hand-hoeing in 2005 and 2006 seasons, respectively.
Foliar application of micronut-rients at the rate of 3.0 g/L with oxyfluorfen at the rate of 240 g (a.i)/fed or butralin at the rate of 1200 g (a.i)/fed followed by one hand-hoeing reduced significantly the dry weights of total annual weeds by 98.8 and 98.3%, respectively, as compared to control treatment plus weedy check