The attention paid by international organizations to the link between migration and development coupled with the demographic transition proceeds in Egypt now, highlight the need to re-investigate current approaches of international migration. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the dynamics, processes and impacts of international migration in rural Assiut Governorate of Upper Egypt. Central to this study, which has not yet received enough consideration, is the investigation of occupational mobility in each sector at village level. To accomplish study objectives, a sample of 260 return migrants was drawn and intensively interviewed. Answers of return migrants reflect to a great extent their poor conditions prior to their migration. However, Findings indicate that emigration selectivity exists clearly as a core component of migration process. Emigrants are usually younger and to some extent highly skilled. A major question raised in this study was whether rural international migration has contributed to the socioeconomic development of the four selected villages. Analysis of data revealed that rural international migration has had to some extent a positive economic impact on villages. A base for diversification of village commercial activities has been created by rural migration. In addition, some migrants acquired new skills while working abroad, and have continued working in those areas after returning home. The positive aspects aside, there have been some negative impact on village economy, resulting from; change in consumption habits, significant increase in prices of agricultural land and products, large decrease in number of farm cultivators, and use of agricultural land for construction purposes. In general, returnees' contributions to village economic development and creating new job opportunities were very limited.