: The present study was carried out in wadi Abu Salam (63 Km.) east of Berber, River Nile State, and in the nursery of the Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Valley University, Northern Sudan, during 2004/05 and 2005/06 seasons. The objectives of this study were to describe, analyze and understand mechanisms of Senna (Cassia italica Mill.) distribution in relation to soil characteristics. Study area (wadi Abu Salam) was divided into three sections; upper, middle and lower. The soil can be classified as sodic soil, containing a high percentage of clay in the upper section, equal percentage of clay and sand in the middle section and high percentage of sand in the lower section. The distribution of Senna plants was found only in the middle section during the first season and in both upper and middle sections in the second season. The rate of plant photosynthesis increased during the first stage of growth, reached its maximum (1.89-2.0 g /day) during the 8 th week from the start of germination, and then started to decline till it reached its minimum rate (0.11-0.13 g/day) at the maturity stage. Plant root growth started at a low rate, then increased with plant development and it decreased until reached its lowest rate at the stage of maturity. Re-vegetation should start in such promising areas of the Northern Sudan where moisture is not a limiting factor and the soil is light with a good proportion of clay and sand and suitable ecological conditions.