Foreign trade is one of the key sectors of national economy and to take into account when designing and implementing development programs and economic reform, also the foreign trade in general rreflects, the evolution of exports and imports with the outside world, and thus affect both production and consumption, investment and lead to recovery or contraction of the national economy. The problem of the study appear in increasing deficit in total and agricultural trade balance, with an uneven geographical distribution of the total and agricultural external trade.
This study aimed to monitor the impact of the internal and external economic changes on the foreign trade sector, and identify the causes of the deficit in total and agricultural trade balance during the period 1982-2009.
The most important findings of the study results:
- Low degree of correlation between GDP rates of growth and changes occur in foreign trade
- the low degree of sensitivity of the Egyptian economy to fluctuations in world markets
- The results of the geographical distribution of foreign trade shows that the variety and multiplicity of futures markets for Egyptian exports, As well as the diversity of sources of imports from the countries of the world
- The most important factors affecting the average per capita value of total exports is the average per capita value of both GDP and total imports and the variable that reflects both the impact of accession to the WTO and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership < /p>
- The most important variables that affect the average per capita value of total imports was the average per capita value of total imports and the variable that reflects the impact of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership < /p>
- Non-significant variables affecting the average per capita value of agricultural exports
- As to the factors affecting the average per capita value of agricultural imports were the average per capita value of total consumption and investment, agricultural, and the variable that reflects both the impact of the policy of economic liberalization and accession