The study aimed to identify the role of the main districts of Assiut Governorate, as well as the role of the most important bananas varieties in the evolution of area and production capacity of this crop in this governorate.
The results indicate that the productive area of banana has increased in some districts, while decreased in others.
An analysis of variance of both area and total production show a very significant differences between the districts, and the absence of differences between districts concerning the productivity per feddan.
According to productive area, Assiut district occupied the first importance, while Abo Tig district occupied the last. On the other hand both of Assiut, Al Fath and Sahel Salim districts occupied the first importance, while Abo Tig district occupied the last importance according to total production of banana.
The study has shown that the productive area of bananas has increased especially for El Maghraby and Williams bananas, and decreased for Indian bananas. It also show the increase in both of productivity and the total production of all varieties of bananas.
The results indicate that the increase in the area of El Maghraby and Williams bananas in Assiut Governorate came at the expense of a decreased area of Indian bananas,. and that stability in the area of bananas in Assiut generally is due to the decision of Minister of Agriculture that prevent expanding bananas farms in old lands.
The study recommended the cultivation of high-yielding bananas varieties in the districts of high productivity and cultivating Williams bananas in the new lands for its success in these lands.