One of the main causes of the problem and development obstacles in some Arab countries in general, found in the marginalization of the issue of women and her role in the development process. This problem does not belong to women alone, but it is a central issue in the matter of evolution and real development, therefore it is a social issue pose society problems, hence the need to participation in research and study it and present solutions.
The basic equation is how to achieve development with the participation of women and men of all business and all groups in both urbanism and rural areas. Human development, in essence, is a permanent tendency to promote the humanity situation of the people, groups and individuals, men and women of the conditions are unacceptable in the context of a particular civilization to superior situations of human existence, which lead to improve the system to acquire knowledge. In the current age of human evolution we can said that: freedom, justice and human dignity are the goals of humanity and high morality which humanity strives to achieve through knowledge.
The Development in the Arab world be associated with knowledge face a double problem: the framework of knowledge-based culture that overcomes superstition, and between the social reality of which was an obstacle to the start of the developmental renaissance puts social reality - the physical concrete criterion on the other hand ... But that the reality of system to acquire knowledge of modern and updated is the reality behind it is useless and effective
Based on the results of research, which showed a gender gap for women, this gab as a result of other several in many respects, and the presence of this gap is due to a series of multiple causes which have conspired to make that gap. These reasons are one of the rural women themselves, and the other due to the community. One of the main reasons that date back to the rural women:
Widespread illiteracy and low level of education of rural women.
Lack of sources on which they depend of women to acquire information
The positive direction of women towards change
One of the community reasons is:
Customs, traditions and cultural values that limit the freedom of movement of rural women.
Culture of the society that imposes many burdens and responsibilities that fall on the women
Difficult economic conditions in the rural community and concern for its personnel to meet their basic needs.