This study was carried out in new cultivated lands located at the eastern north of AssiutCity (Wady El-Assiuty), after the harvest of wheat crop during 2012 year. Two Methods of controlling rodents and their ectoparasites were conducted. The first was fumigation with Fostoxeen tablets inside the active burrows and the second one was the poison baits by using the anticoagulant rodenticide (Ratak) outside the rodent active borrows.
Three species of rodents were found in the study areas, Arvicanthis niloticus, Rattus rattus frugivorius and Rattus rattus alexandrinus. The reduction of the rodent population in the
Fostoxeen treatment were 79.3%,
The second treatment with Ratak
had given 78% while the decrease of untreated areas was 2.2%.
The study of flea population showed that with Fostoxeen treatment had given reduction in the flea rat index with 72.9% while in the second treatment Ratak it was give an increase with 41.6%. The reduced in untreated areas were 14.5%.
Generally,the use of Fostoxeen inside the active burrows can be decrease the rat flea index beside the decrease of rodent population while the use of Ratek didn't affected of the flea population and control the rodent only.