This study was carried out during 2003 and 2004 seasons to investigate the effect of salinity, as well as yeast and P-humex application on yield weight (kg)/ tree, commercial fruit percentage / tree ,fruit weight (g), fruit volume (cm3), and peel weight % / fruit. In addition to that TSS% , TA%, TSS / TA ratio and reducing and total sugars % in fruit juice. Four levels of salinity ( zero , 1000 ppm , 2000 ppm , 3000 ppm ) applied as a mixture of Nacl and CaCL2 at ratio 1:1 based on the equivalent weight of both (Nacl and CaCL2 ). The salt mixture was applied before each irrigation with 24 hours the heated tars have been received 120 g / tree for the 1st level , 240 g / tree for the 2nd level and360 g / tree for the 3rd level at the end of growth neasan. Yeast was applied as anti-salinity at rate of 40 g / tree as soil drench only once application before the 1st irrigation after bud-burst occurring. As well as P-humex was applied at rate of 20 g / tree as once application, 40 g / tree as twice application and 60 g / tree as thrice application. The experiment was
designed as factorial experiment
setted up in
split-split-plot arrangement at
complete randomized back de
sign with 3 replicates, one tree each. Results showed that salinity
reduced both of the total and the commercial yield weight % / tree as well as fruit weight, fruit volume and peel weight %. In addition, to that salinity induced negative effects on TSS%, TSS / TA ratio and reducing – and total sugars %, while it increased the TA% in fruit Juice. All treatments with yeast or P-humex improved the total and commercial yield / tree and minimized the negative effects of salinity on the physical and chemical characteristics of Manfalouty pomegranate fruits. According to this study, it was found that treatment with yeast or P-humex gave the best result to minimize the undesirable effects on yield and fruit characteristics of Manfalouty pomegranate cv.. Therefore, it could be recommended with the aforementioned treatment to improve yield and fruit quality of pomegranate trees grown under the conditions of this study. Key Words : Salinity , Yeast , P-humex , Yield , Manfalouty.
*This research C. F. Ph. D.