The date palm is one of the important fruit crops that can be benefited from economically, in addition to the possibility of exporting, manufacturing and increasing household income in its production areas in Egypt. The date palm is a tree suitable for all types of lands. It is planted in sandy lands and calcareous lands, and it grows in saline lands. The dates also contain most of the nutrients required.
Where the research aims to identify global and Egyptian production and export indicators for dates and the relative importance of Egypt's production and export position worldwide, and to study export indicators.
Where it was found that the global productivity indicators, the development of the cultivated area of date palm globally, showed a statistically insignificant increase. By studying the development of the total production of the date crop globally, it was found that there was a statistically high moral increase estimated at about 169.11 thousand tons. By studying the geographical distribution of the most important date-producing governorates, it was noted that Giza occupies the first place, followed by Sharkia, Beheira, Aswan, New Valley, Ismailia and Fayoum.
It was also shown by the Egyptian productivity indicators, and by studying the development of the cultivated area of the Egyptian date palm, it was found that there was a statistically high moral increase estimated at about 2.87 thousand feddans. By studying the development of the total production of the date crop, it was found that there was a statistically high increase, estimated at 30.92 thousand tons. Also, the percentage of Egyptian date production in relation to the total world production represented about 18.52% during the period (2018-2020). By studying the geographical distribution of the most important date producing countries, it became clear that Egypt occupies the first place with 17.79% of the total world production.
As it was shown by the indicators of global exports, by studying the evolution of the quantity, value and price of exporting dates globally, it was found that there was a statistically high morale increase in all of them. As well as indicators of the development of the quantity, value and price of Egyptian dates exported, it was found that there was a statistically high morale increase in all of them. And that the geographical distribution of global exports showed that Egypt occupies the tenth rank globally during the period (2018-2020). With an average export strength of the date crop, about 1.18% during the period (2004-2020).