Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension
The agricultural household uses many different means to achieve a sustainable livelihood to obtain or maintain assets and access to basic resources to ensure resilience capacity to shocks in the medium or long term; Which needs the resilience capacity to maintain food security. This research aimed to measure resilience capacity in the face of shocks and food security with considering previous determinants of the occurrence of such shocks; To achieve this goal; A causal model has been designed based on several theoretical and methodological approaches to test the proposed model. The causal model consists of eight exogenous variables which are the assets; availability of public services and facilities; experiences of food insecurity; perceived climate change; social capital; human capital; age; and family size and three endogenous variables which are the shocks exposure variable; the individual/social resilience capacity as an intermediate variable and the food security variable. A simple random sample was also selected; This sample consists of 176 smallholder farmers; To test how well the assumed model matches the observed data. Multivariate analysis was also used using the multiple linear regression method. The most important results indicated that the main variables that have a unique significant effect in explaining the variance in the causal model; Also, the largest in terms of direct causal effect in the causal model are the shocks exposure; perceived climate change and individual/social resilience capacity variables; Respectively. The findings of this research to understanding resilience capacity to shocks and food security are discussed.
Causal Model, Socia, Ecological System, Sustainable Livelihood
Rural Sociology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University
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Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences
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Resilience Capacity to Shock and Food Security Among a Small-holder Farmers