This study carried out during 2015 and 2016 to detect the influence of pollen obtained from different male date palms on some fruit quality for "Samany" and "Zaghloul" date cultivars grown in Edko, El-Behera Governorate, Egypt. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of various pollinizers when pollinated the female "Samany" and "Zaghloul" date cvs. to examine metaxinic effect on fruit quality. The pollen from each pollinizer given code numbers: (I, II, III and IV) were used for pollinating female "Samany" and "Zaghloul" date cultivars by placing sex male strands within each female spathe. At harvest time (Khalal Stage) a collective sample of 30 fruits was taken from each replicate to determine fruit dimensions, fruit weight, flesh and seed weight. Also, chemical properties was determined such as total soluble solids (TSS), acidity percentage, TSS/acidity, vitamin C, total sugar percentage and soluble tannins content.The obtained results recorded that fruit quality of "Samany" and "Zaghloul" dates was influenced to different pollinizers. In addition, there were variation in fruit quality as a resulted by different pollinizer in both cultivars. Some males produced higher fruit quality when pollinated the female with these males as compared to others.The results showed that the highest values in most testing parameters of "Zaghloul" and "Samany" for fruit quality were obtained when pollinated with pollinizer No.II. Thus, we are recommended to propagate the studied male No. II with any suitable mean.