The study aimed to determine the extent to which the NGOs in the area of literacy. From the point of view of the respondents. And to determine the degree of benefit of the respondents from the NGOs in the field of literacy. And determine the relationship between the personal and social variables of the respondents and the level of the establishment of NGOs in the field of literacy. And determine the relationship between the personal and social variables of the respondents and the level of their benefit from NGOs in the area of Mahawalip.
The total number of respondents was 2524 beneficiaries. The total number of respondents was 333 of the total number. The data were collected by means of a personal interview of the beneficiaries of the NGOs in the literacy activity by means of a questionnaire questionnaire. The correlation coefficient for Spearman for the variables of the dependent type. and the Kai box for the variables of the nominal type.
The most important results were: 67.31% were in the 16-32 age group. Half of the respondents were 51.4 males. and more than one third (38.7%) lived in larger families of the respondents. 59.5% live in a simple family. half of the respondents (51.1%) work. and nearly two thirds of the respondents (68.8%) work in different occupations. Approximately half of the respondents (47.1%) Do not have agricultural land. And that nearly two-thirds of the respondents 68.2 fall in the low-income category less than 2.800 pounds. And that more than three-quarters of the respondents 77.8% sources of knowledge of the Association medium. The majority of the respondents (90.1%) are low. and more than two-thirds of the respondents (76.9%) have low social contribution.
It was also found that 57.1% of the respondents believe that the level of associations active in the eradication of illiteracy is high. And that 54.1% of the respondents believe that the level of benefit from the associations in their activity in literacy is high.
The results also showed significant correlations between the number of family members. The total income of the family of the respondent. the total number of members of the community. The total contribution of the community. The total agricultural holdings of the family. The total membership of the organizations and the level of their benefit from the literacy activities.
The results also revealed a significant relationship between the variables of family type. marital status. marita.