The cesearch mainly targeted international Civil society Organizations in Sohag Governomant For the Following objectives.
- Pecognizing thi extent of benefil from those activities-Recoanizing the cesponndeotes deg cee of satis Faction From activities done by the iseo in the research area- Recognizing the respondents, suggestioos that elevale the icso,s cole in the rescarch area relionship between the - dentifying the cespondents, personaly Sicial, and economical charcteristics international civil Society organization and the Social and developmental. Chonges that occurred to the respondents affect the implementation of the activiteies held by the icso and the cesearch area.
The cesearch was cooducted on a sample of 376 cespondent from the cespondents benefilling from the cos they have been selected from the free centero where the "Cace"organization exists in Sohag Governorate. They three villages where the icso implement there activities were selecred. They are Nida, Seflak, and ComBadar order.
So activities from the Onctivities from the Onctivities from the Onctivities from the Onctivities from the Onctivities from the Onctivities from the Onctivities from the Onctivities from the Onctivities from the Onctivities from the Onces held by the icso wece selected. They go under three main activeitys which aey go under three main activeitys which are: 1- educational activities having four subdivisions which vachvity ace: A- literacy and education for thetion for the e eldelders (4-activites). B- providing educational means (11 activities). C- Raising awareness. Contry wemen, training them, ad developing theic abilities activiay (5 ativies). D – Develoment of skills activity (activiety)
2– Social activietes which has 3 subdivision that are: A- Social walfare activity (6activiety). B- farming activiety (10 activiety). C-Developing the cural community activity (10 act).
The ceseacch depended unowing the level 1 of the activietes existence from the point of viow of the respondents, the degree they benefilld from the, and the degcee of tree satisfaction with them.
To stop at the developmental and social influences of the ieso
Based on that, the degcee of benefit was divided into three levels high benefit, average benefit and 10 w benefit.
As for the degcee of satisfaction from the activiets held by the icso, the respondents wese divided into
Not satisfied(1 degcee), somehw satisfied(2 degcees), and satifid(3 degrees)
Based on that too, the degcees of satisfaction were divided into 3 levels: high satisfaction average satisfaction, and low satis faction.
The data was collected from the cespoodents through interviews using a questionnaire prepared for this purpose peccentag and elaboration methods were used fore analyzing and presenting data.
Bela tion factors for pearson wear used to study the chracterisistions m related to the cespondents, knowledge about the activitis held by the icso, ther benfit from them and theirb degree of satisfaction from
The sample was selected and the data was analy zeed through statistical progcams (SPSS).